Complaint Form

Type of Complaint
Please give a detailed description of your complaint:
The complaint location is critical. If an address is not visible, give clear directions, like, "The vacant lot just north of 123 2nd Street." If the complaint is not visible from the street, please describe where it can be seen. If you are unable to give clear directions, be sure to put your contact phone number on the form so we can call to clarify. Your name and contact information are not required but can be very helpful. If the complaint is only visible from private property, we will have to contact you directly to get permission to enter your property to observe the problem. If we are unable to locate the complaint and are unable to contact you for clarification, the complaint may be closed with no action taken.
I understand that city staff will investigate and take appropriate action.
I wish to be contacted by staff as a follow-up
Contact Information
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