Street Maintenance

Infographic showing the proposed schedule of street maintenance

The City of Amity has heard consistent concerns from residents regarding the state of the City's streets over the last few years. The City has taken that feedback and made street maintenance a high priority moving forward. In May of 2023, the City hired a consultant to perform an inventory of the City's roads and put together a report that discussed the state of each street, the ideal maintenance schedule, and the funding needed to repair the entire street system to a good condition. This report detailed that the City of Amity would need over $2 million dollars to completely repair its entire road system. The Street fund currently has a repair and maintenance budget of $60,000 each year. The City will continue to apply for grants and other funding opportunities as available with a focus on street maintenance and repair. To review any current maintenance projects, click here.



The above picture shows the City's current plans for street maintenance over the next few years. This schedule is subject to the availability of grant funding. Please know that the City of Amity is actively looking for ways to substantially move forward with street repairs.